New research paper
Fan J-B, Győrffy B, et al: Type I Interferon Regulates a Coordinated Gene Network to Enhance Cytotoxic T Cell-Mediated Tumor Killing, Cancer Discovery (2020)
Fan J-B, Győrffy B, et al: Type I Interferon Regulates a Coordinated Gene Network to Enhance Cytotoxic T Cell-Mediated Tumor Killing, Cancer Discovery (2020)
Fekete J et al: Predictive biomarkers of platinum and taxane resistance using the transcriptomic data of 1,816 ovarian cancer patients, Gynecologic Oncology (2020)
Nagy A et al.: Elevated HOX gene expression in acute myeloid leukemia is associated with NPM1 mutations and poor survival. J Advanced Research (2019)
Menyhárt O et al.: Uncovering Potential Therapeutic Targets in Colorectal Cancer by Deciphering Mutational Status and Expression of Druggable Oncogenes, Cancers (2019)
Perone Y, Győrffy B, Magnani L et al: SREBP1 drives Keratin-80-dependent cytoskeletal changes and invasive behavior in endocrine-resistant ERα breast cancer. Nature Communications (2019)
Fekete J and Győrffy B: Validating predictive biomarkers of chemotherapy/hormonal therapy/anti-HER2 therapy using transcriptomic data of 3,104 breast cancer patients, International Journal of Cancer (2019)
Menyhárt O et al.: Molecular markers and potential therapeutic targets in non-WNT / non-SHH (Group 3 and Group 4) medulloblastomas, J Hematol Oncol (2019)
Fernando TM, Győrffy B, et al.: BCL6 evolved to enable stress tolerance in vertebrates and is broadly required by cancer cells to adapt to stress. Cancer Discovery (2019)
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